Beijing municipal government cloud services

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In 2018, CapCloud, which is affiliated to Capinfo, obtained the qualification for being a Beijing municipal government cloud service provider as No.1 in the bid on such qualification. Our government cloud, with multiple data centers, supports users’ deployment of their key applications across data centers and clusters. Our disaster recovery system can provide users with data, application-level for disaster recovery and three-level security protection. So far, we have cumulatively provided government cloud services for more than 130 government authorities of Beijing and built a highly influential brand. Meanwhile, we have withstood all trials in offering service guarantees to major events of China and Beijing, including the APEC Summit, the “Belt and Road” Forum for International Cooperation , the 19th Session of National Congress of the Communist Party of China, , the events for celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China, the events for celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China, and Beijing Winter Olympics, highly recognized by our users. In 2021, CapCloud further won the bid on the 2021-2022 cloud computing service project for Beijing municipal administrative institutions dependent upon its “enhanced” safe cloud service capabilities and rich experience in planning, construction, services, operation, maintenance and security protection of cloud platforms. Granted the qualification as a Beijing municipal government cloud service provider, it has fully consolidated CapInfo’s important position in building “cloud highland” of Beijing, the capital of China.


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